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Poems and Rants
Suburban Summer on a Saturday

Suburban savages echoing the battle cry of the weekend warrior
Free from school and workday worry
In guttersnipe groups of
Emotion and imagination
Playing secret games of war
And baseball beneath the morning sun

Laundry waving on clotheslines
Signal flags in small town carnivals
Reminding us of morning chores and forgotten errands

Small girls with plasticine children of their own patrol the street
Pushing carriages toward some unknown tea party

Hatchbacks opening to the azure skies
Like baby birds waiting for worms
With mouths full of groceries

Young men and fathers practising the rituals of manhood
With lawnmowers and trimmers
That roar through the neighbourhood
Nascars on racetracks of ever diminishing size

The aromas of charcoal and roasting flesh
Blanket the neighbourhood
As the beer flows freely
In our suburban summer
On a Saturday